
목표: STM을 이용하여 원자 수준의 HOPG 표면 이미지 얻기

준비물 - EasyScan STM, 0.3 mm Pt-Ir (80:20) wire, HOPG, Graphene on SiO2/Si or copper foil

실험 방법


시약 및 도구

기기 제조회사 Nanosurf https://www.nanosurf.com/en/ 와 사용설명서


Pt-Ir is chosen over pur Pt. Mainly it is due to the favorable mechanical properties and high hardness of this particularly alloy which simplifies the preparation of an atomically sharp probe. This is achieved using the cutting/pulling method. In certain applications where the STM tip is used in a liquid environment (ESTM), the Pt/Ir alloy resists attack from redox reactions. Other reasons for use of this alloys are: Doesn't form an oxide when the STM is used in air. Atomic resultion is possble due to the pz or dz2 states on the tip.

Bruker, https://www.brukerafmprobes.com/ STM Pt/Ir tip https://www.brukerafmprobes.com/p-3410-dpt10.aspx 10 pcs. dia 0.25 mm * 6 mm long. $277.20.

Pt-Ir tip etching experiments, University of Norte Dame, https://physics.nd.edu/assets/118523/

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70(7) 1999

Sørensen, A. H., Hvid, U., Mortensen, M. W., & Mørch, K. A. (1999). Preparation of platinum/iridium scanning probe microscopy tips. Review of Scientific Instruments, 70(7), 3059-3067. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1149891


피터 엣킨스 외 지음, 안운선 옮김, 물리화학, 11판, 2020, 교보문고. 777 페이지. 19A.3 고체표면 현미경법

레이몬드 창 지음, 김유권 외 옮김, 자유아카데미. 10.12 주사터널 현미경
